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11  What next?

What Next slides

The slides contain speaking notes that you can view by pressing ‘S’ on the keyboard.

11.1 What else can you do?

The other things you can start doing is find or start building a community of people who also use R or are doing reproducibility or any other computational work. Use them as support and help and also give back too.

Start doing code reviews in your research group. Code review would be where you look over each others code, check that it works, check that it makes sense, that it’s readable and understandable. The nice thing with doing code reviews is that it dispels the mystery around code and about criticizing it and trying to improve it. We review manuscripts, why not code? Do note though, that this is way easier said than done!

You can teach! Teach others. Use these teaching materials. Or get involved with this course next year. Or now! Several participants from these courses are or will soon be helping to improve the material for next year. There are also so many other things you can get involved in, aside from this course. Let us know if you’re interested!

If you want to stay updated on when registration opens for upcoming courses, along with keeping informed on other activities related to R, you can join our r-cubed Discord server.