🚧 We are doing major changes to this workshop, so much of the content will be changed. 🚧
Here we will cover the second block, “Workflow” in Figure 7.1.
Describe and identify the individual components of a function as well as the workflow to creating them, and then use this workflow to make one to import some data.
Explain what R package dependency management is, why it is necessary when writing code and ensuring reproducibility, and apply tools like usethis::use_package()
to manage dependencies in an R project.
Describe and apply a workflow of prototyping code into a working function in a Quarto document, moving the function into a script (called, e.g., functions.R
) once prototyped and tested, and then using source()
to load the functions into the R session. End this workflow with rendering the Quarto document with Ctrl-Shift-KCtrl-Shift-K or with the Palette (Ctrl-Shift-PCtrl-Shift-P, then type “render”) to ensure reproducibility.
We’ve mentioned functions multiple times, but what is a function? At its core, a function in R is anything that does an action. A function is a bundled sequence of steps that achieve a specific action. For instance, the +
(to add) is a function, mean()
is a function, []
(to subset or extract) is a function, and so on. In simple terms, functions are made of a function call, its arguments, and the function body:
function(argument1, argument2){
# body of function with R code
Because R is open source, anyone can see how things work underneath. So, if we want to see what a function does underneath, we type out the function name without the ()
into the Console and run it. If we do it with the function sd()
which calculates the standard deviation, we see:
Here you see sd()
as the arguments x
and na.rm
. Within the function body is how it calculates the standard deviation, which is the square root of the variance. In this code, the var()
is inside the sqrt()
function, which is exactly what it should be.
So, if you learn how to create your own functions, it can make doing your work easier and more efficient because you don’t have to repeat yourself later. Making functions always has a basic structure of:
, assigning it to the name with <-
. This tells R that the name is a function object.function(argument1, argument2, argument3)
to indicate what you want the function to output. For learning purposes, we’ll always use return()
to help show us what is the final function output.Emphasize that we will be using this workflow for creating functions all the time throughout workshop and that this workflow is also what you’d use in your daily work.
While there is no minimum or maximum number of arguments you can provide for a function (e.g. you could have zero or dozens of arguments), its good practice for yourself and for others to have as few arguments as necessary to get the job done. So, the structure is:
Writing your own functions can be absolutely amazing and fun and powerful, but you also often want to pull your hair out with frustration at errors that are difficult to understand and fix. The best way to deal with this is by debugging. Due to time and to the challenge of making meaningful debugging exercises (solutions to problems are very dependent on the project), read Appendix B in your own time for some instructions on debugging and dealing with another common problem you might encounter with R.
Let’s write a simple example. First, create a new Markdown header called ## Making a function
and create a code chunk below that with Ctrl-Alt-ICtrl-Alt-I or with the Palette (Ctrl-Shift-PCtrl-Shift-P, then type “new chunk”) . Then, inside the code chunk, we’ll write this code out:
add_numbers <- function(num1, num2) {
added <- num1 + num2
You can use the new function by running the above code and writing out your new function, with arguments to give it.
add_numbers(1, 2)
The function name is fairly good; add_numbers
is read as “add numbers”. While we generally want to write code that describes what it does by reading it, it’s also good practice to add some formal documentation to the function. Use the “Insert Roxygen Skeleton” in the “Code” menu, by typing Ctrl-Shift-Alt-RCtrl-Shift-Alt-R or with the Palette (Ctrl-Shift-PCtrl-Shift-P, then type “roxygen comment”), and you can add template documentation right above the function. It looks like:
#' Title
#' @param num1
#' @param num2
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
add_numbers <- function(num1, num2) {
added <- num1 + num2
In the Title
area, this is where you type out a brief sentence or several words that describe the function. Creating a new paragraph below this line allows you to add a more detailed description. The other items are:
@param num
: These lines describe what each argument (also called parameter) is for and what to give it.@return
: This describes what output the function gives. Is it a data.frame? A plot? What else does the output give?@export
: Tells R that this function should be accessible to the user of your package. Since we aren’t making packages, delete it.@examples
: Any lines below this are used to show examples of how to use the function. This is very useful when making packages, but not really in this case. So we’ll delete it. Let’s write out some documentation for this function:doc/learning.qmd
#' Add two numbers together.
#' @param num1 A number here.
#' @param num2 A number here.
#' @return Returns the sum of the two numbers.
add_numbers <- function(num1, num2) {
added <- num1 + num2
Once we’ve created that, let’s open up the Git Interface with Ctrl-Alt-MCtrl-Alt-M or with the Palette (Ctrl-Shift-PCtrl-Shift-P, then type “commit”) and add and commit these changes to our history.
Now that we have a basic understanding of what a function looks like, let’s apply it to something we’re doing right now: Importing our data.
Making functions is a series of steps:
name <- function() { ... }
, with an appropriate and descriptive name.function(argument1, argument2)
) with appropriate and descriptive names, then replace the code with the argument names where appropriate.return()
function at the end to indicate what the function will output.Emphasize that we will be using this workflow for creating functions all the time throughout workshop and that this workflow is also what you’d use in your daily work.
In doc/learning.qmd
, create a new Markdown header called ## Import the user data with a function
and create a code chunk below that with Ctrl-Alt-ICtrl-Alt-I or with the Palette (Ctrl-Shift-PCtrl-Shift-P, then type “new chunk”) .
So, step one. Let’s take the code we wrote for importing the user_info
data and convert that as a function:
user_1_info_data <- read_csv(
col_select = -1,
col_types = cols(
gender = col_character(),
weight = col_double(),
height = col_double(),
age = col_double()
name_repair = snakecase::to_snake_case
Next we wrap it in the function call and give it an appropriate name. In this case, import_user_info
is descriptive and meaningful.
import_user_info <- function() {
user_1_info_data <- read_csv(
col_select = -1,
col_types = cols(
gender = col_character(),
weight = col_double(),
height = col_double(),
age = col_double()
name_repair = snakecase::to_snake_case
Then, we add arguments in the function and replace within the code. Here, we have only one thing that we would change: The file path to the dataset. So, a good name might be file_path
import_user_info <- function(file_path) {
user_1_info_data <- read_csv(
col_select = -1,
col_types = cols(
gender = col_character(),
weight = col_double(),
height = col_double(),
age = col_double()
name_repair = snakecase::to_snake_case
Then we clean things up by renaming user_1_info_data
since we would like to also import more than just user_1
. A nice object name would be info_data
. Add the return()
function at the end with the object you want your function to output.
import_user_info <- function(file_path) {
info_data <- read_csv(
col_select = -1,
col_types = cols(
gender = col_character(),
weight = col_double(),
height = col_double(),
age = col_double()
name_repair = snakecase::to_snake_case
Great! Now we need to test it out. Let’s try on two datasets, two user_info.csv
files in the user_1
and user_2
Awesome! It works. The final stage is adding the Roxygen documentation.
#' Import MMASH user info data file.
#' @param file_path Path to user info data file.
#' @return Outputs a data frame/tibble.
import_user_info <- function(file_path) {
info_data <- read_csv(
col_select = -1,
col_types = cols(
gender = col_character(),
weight = col_double(),
height = col_double(),
age = col_double()
name_repair = snakecase::to_snake_case
A massive advantage of using functions is that if you want to make a change to all your code, you can very easily do it by modifying the function and it will change all your other code too. Now that we have a working function, run styler with the Palette (Ctrl-Shift-PCtrl-Shift-P, then type “style file”) and then let’s add and commit it to the Git history with the RStudio Git Interface by using Ctrl-Alt-MCtrl-Alt-M or with the Palette (Ctrl-Shift-PCtrl-Shift-P, then type “commit”).
Time: 15 minutes.
Take the code you created for importing the saliva data set from Section 5.3 and make it into a function. It looks like the code below.
user_1_saliva_data <- read_csv(
col_select = -1,
col_types = cols(
samples = col_character(),
cortisol_norm = col_double(),
melatonin_norm = col_double()
name_repair = snakecase::to_snake_case
A helpful tip: To move around a Quarto or R script more easily, open up the “Document Outline” on the side by clicking the button in the top right corner of the Quarto pane or by using Ctrl-Shift-OCtrl-Shift-O or with the Palette (Ctrl-Shift-PCtrl-Shift-P, then type “outline”).
## Exercise for importing the saliva data as a function
.Wrap it with the function() {...}
Make a meaningful name (use import_saliva
Make an argument for the file path (file_path
) and replace user_1_saliva_file
with file_path
in the read_csv()
Rename the output object to saliva_data
and put it in the return()
Run the function and then test that it works
Create the Roxygen documentation by adding it with
Ctrl-Shift-Alt-RCtrl-Shift-Alt-R or with the Palette (Ctrl-Shift-PCtrl-Shift-P, then type “roxygen comment”)
file with the Palette (Ctrl-Shift-PCtrl-Shift-P, then type “style file”).Use the below code as a guide:
#' Import the MMASH saliva file.
#' @param file_path Path to the user saliva data file.
#' @return Outputs a data frame/tibble.
import_saliva <- function(file_path) {
saliva_data <- read_csv(
col_select = -1,
col_types = cols(
samples = col_character(),
cortisol_norm = col_double(),
melatonin_norm = col_double()
name_repair = snakecase::to_snake_case
# Test that this works
# import_saliva(here("data-raw/mmash/user_1/saliva.csv"))
Really emphasize to cut and paste, so that the function in the doc/learning.qmd
file is deleted and no longer kept in the Quarto document.
We’ve created two functions. Now we need to move those functions from the doc/learning.qmd
file and into the R/
folder by cutting and pasting (not just copying). We do this for a few reasons:
function.We want to store our functions in the file R/functions.R
script so its easier to source them. Cut and paste only the import_user_info()
function we created in doc/learning.qmd
, including the Roxygen documentation, and paste it into the newly created R/functions.R
Once we have it in there, let’s test out the workflow. Restart our R session with by either going to the “Session -> Restart R” menu item or by using the keybindings Ctrl-Shift-F10Ctrl-Shift-F10 or with the Palette (Ctrl-Shift-PCtrl-Shift-P, then type “restart”). Move back into the doc/learning.qmd
and add source(here("R/functions.R"))
to the code chunk called setup
at the top. Run all the code inside the setup
code chunk. Then go to where you wrote:
Now run this line. What happens now? You may get an error about not finding the read_csv()
function. If you put library(tidyverse)
in the setup
code chunk, you might not get an error. If you did get an error, that’s because R doesn’t know what the read_csv()
function is. This is where we start getting into package dependency management.
What is package dependency management? Whenever you use an R package, you depend on it for your code to work. The informal way to show what packages you use is by using the library()
function. But if you come back to the project, or get a new computer, or someone else is working on your project too, how will they know which packages your project depends on? Do they have to search through all your files just to find all library()
functions you used and then install those packages individually? A much better way here is to formally indicate your package dependency so that installing dependencies is easy. We do this by making use of the DESCRIPTION
file. You may or may not see something that looks like:
If it doesn’t look like this, replace all of your current text with the text above. Notice the Imports:
key. This is where information about packages are added. To quickly add a package, go to the Console and type out:
You will see a bunch of text about adding it to Imports
. If you look in your DESCRIPTION
file now, you’ll see something like:
Now, if you or someone else wants to install all the packages your project depends on, they can do that by going to the Console and running:
This function finds the DESCRIPTION
file and installs all the packages in Imports
. Let’s add the other dependencies by typing in the Console:
Since we will also make use of the tidyverse set of packages later in the workshop, we’ll also add tidyverse as a dependency. Since the tidyverse is a large collection of packages, the recommended way to add this particular dependency is with:
usethis::use_package("tidyverse", type = "Depends")
If you look in the DESCRIPTION
file now, you see that the new Depends
field has been added with tidyverse
right below it. There are fairly technical reasons why we need to put tidyverse in the Depends
field that you don’t need to know about for this workshop, aside from the fact that it is a common practice in R projects. At least in this context, we use the Depends
field for tidyverse because of one big reason: the usethis::use_package()
function will complain if we try to put tidyverse in the Imports
and it recommends putting it in the Depends
Great! Now that we’ve formally established package dependencies in our project, we also need to formally declare which package each function comes from inside our own functions.
Before getting into the correct way, we need to quickly cover the incorrect way that you may or may not have seen how others have done it on websites or in script files. Sometimes people use library()
or require()
inside functions like:
This is very bad practice and can have some unintended and serious consequences that you might not notice or that won’t give any warning or error. The correct way of indicating which package a function comes from is instead by using packagename::functionname
, which you’ve seen and used many times in this workshop. We won’t get into the reasons why this is incorrect because it can quickly get quite technical.
You can also talk about why require()
shouldn’t be used compared to library()
. The problem with require()
is that if the package can’t be loaded, it won’t throw an error, it only checks if the package is available and will otherwise continue running the code. On the other hand, library()
will throw an error if it can’t find the package, which is what you expect if your code depends on a package.
Another reason to use packagename::functionname
for each function from an R package you use in your own function is that it explicitly tells R (and us the readers) where the function comes from. Because the same function name can be used by multiple packages, if you don’t explicitly state which package the function is from, R will use the function that it finds first - which isn’t always the function you meant to use. We also do this step at the end of making the function because doing it while we create it can be quite tedious.
If you don’t know what package a function comes from when you need to append the package when using ::
, you can find out what the package is by using the help documentation ?functionname
(can also be done by pressing F1 when the cursor is over the function). The package name is at the very top left corner, surrounded by { }
Alright, let’s go into R/functions.R
and add readr::
to each of the readr functions we’ve used:
import_user_info <- function(file_path) {
info_data <- readr::read_csv(
col_select = -1,
col_types = readr::cols(
gender = readr::col_character(),
weight = readr::col_double(),
height = readr::col_double(),
age = readr::col_double()
name_repair = snakecase::to_snake_case
Test that it works by restart the R session with Ctrl-Shift-F10Ctrl-Shift-F10 or with the Palette (Ctrl-Shift-PCtrl-Shift-P, then type “restart”) and source the file with Ctrl-Shift-SCtrl-Shift-S or with the Palette (Ctrl-Shift-PCtrl-Shift-P, then type “source”), then go to the Console and type out:
It should work as expected! Now that we’ve done that, let’s add and commit the changes made through the Git interface, using Ctrl-Alt-MCtrl-Alt-M or with the Palette (Ctrl-Shift-PCtrl-Shift-P, then type “commit”).
Time: ~30 minutes.
Repeat this process of making functions by doing this to the rest of the code you worked on previously that imported the RR.csv
and Actigraph.csv
Convert the importing code into functions while in the doc/learning.qmd
file. Include the Roxygen documentation and use packagename::
to be explicit about where the function comes from.
and import_actigraph
.Move (by cutting and pasting) only the function into R/functions.R
Restart R, source()
the functions file, using Ctrl-Shift-SCtrl-Shift-S or with the Palette (Ctrl-Shift-PCtrl-Shift-P, then type “source”), and test that the functions work by running them in the Console. The below code should run without a problem if you did it right:
Run styler while in the R/functions.R
file with the Palette (Ctrl-Shift-PCtrl-Shift-P, then type “style file”).
Also update the import_saliva()
function you created by being explicit about where the functions come from (e.g. with the packagename::
). Then cut and paste this function along with its Roxygen documentation over into the R/functions.R
file. Run styler with the Palette (Ctrl-Shift-PCtrl-Shift-P, then type “style file”) and afterwards, add and commit the changes to the Git history, using Ctrl-Alt-MCtrl-Alt-M or with the Palette (Ctrl-Shift-PCtrl-Shift-P, then type “commit”).
Use this code template as a guide for making the functions.
# Insert Roxygen documentation too
___ <- function(___) {
___ <- ___::___(
col_select = ___,
col_types = ___::cols(
name_repair = snakecase::to_snake_case
#' Import the MMASH saliva file
#' @param file_path Path to the user saliva data file.
#' @return Outputs a data frame/tibble.
import_saliva <- function(file_path) {
saliva_data <- readr::read_csv(
col_select = -1,
col_types = readr::cols(
samples = readr::col_character(),
cortisol_norm = readr::col_double(),
melatonin_norm = readr::col_double()
name_repair = snakecase::to_snake_case
#' Import the MMASH RR file (heart beat-to-beat interval).
#' @param file_path Path to the user RR data file.
#' @return Outputs a data frame/tibble.
import_rr <- function(file_path) {
rr_data <- readr::read_csv(
col_select = -1,
col_types = readr::cols(
ibi_s = readr::col_double(),
day = readr::col_double(),
# Converts to seconds
time = readr::col_time(format = "")
name_repair = snakecase::to_snake_case
#' Import the MMASH Actigraph file (accelerometer).
#' @param file_path Path to the user Actigraph data file.
#' @return Outputs a data frame/tibble.
import_actigraph <- function(file_path) {
actigraph_data <- readr::read_csv(
col_select = -1,
col_types = readr::cols(
axis_1 = readr::col_double(),
axis_2 = readr::col_double(),
axis_3 = readr::col_double(),
steps = readr::col_double(),
hr = readr::col_double(),
inclinometer_off = readr::col_double(),
inclinometer_standing = readr::col_double(),
inclinometer_sitting = readr::col_double(),
inclinometer_lying = readr::col_double(),
vector_magnitude = readr::col_double(),
day = readr::col_double(),
time = readr::col_time(format = "")
name_repair = snakecase::to_snake_case
Quickly cover this before finishing the session and when starting the next session.
file as well as packagename::functionname()
to explicit state the packages your function depends on.