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2  Schedule

The course is structured as a series of participatory live-coding sessions interspersed with hands-on exercises and group work, using a real-world dataset. There are some lectures given, mainly at the start and end of the course. The general schedule outline is shown in the below table. This is not a fixed schedule of the timings of each session — some may be shorter and others may be longer. Instead, it is meant to be an approximate guide and overview.

Time Session topic
9:30   Arrival; coffee and snacks
10:00   Introduction to the course
10:30   Basic setup and workflow
11:00   Importing data, fast! (with short break)
12:30   Lunch
13:15   Networking and social activity
13:45   Save time, don’t repeat yourself: Making functions
15:00   Coffee break and snacks
15:15   Save time, don’t repeat yourself: Making functions
16:45   End of day survey
Time Session topic
9:00   Save time, don’t repeat yourself: Using functionals
10:15   Coffee break and snacks
10:30   Save time, don’t repeat yourself: Using functionals
12:15   Lunch
13:00   Networking and social activity
13:30   Processing and joining datasets for cleaning
15:00   Coffee break and snacks
15:15   Processing and joining datasets for cleaning
16:45   End of day survey
Time Session topic
9:00   Quickly re-arranging data with pivots
10:15   Coffee break and snacks
10:30   Quickly re-arranging data with pivots
12:15   Lunch
13:00   Hands-on exercises
14:20   Closing remarks
14:45   Short survey and farewell